Kazbegi Local Action Group invited the general assemble and presented the result of 2 years work

2017-10-14 0 comments kazbegi

On October 12, Kazbegi Local Action Group invited the general assemble in the hotel Rooms in Kazbegi and presented the result of 2 years work.

Presentation by Nanuka Avzajanishvili and Irina Sujashvili included the list of activities carried out since the foundation of LAG Kazbegi, projects implemented, future plans, organization structure and swot analysis. Also invited guests were informed about the projects supported in the grant competition announced in three stages and their current situation.

The future plans were introduced to the invited guests and introduced a structural change that involves the addition of the PR team, Funraising group, Project Management and Finance Organizing Group, the goal of creating each group, the purpose of working, the necessity and the obligations. During the summarization of the information section, the audience had the opportunity to discuss their own opinions, talk about existing challenges and their assessment about local action group’s work.

LAG Kazbegi continues to work actively for the development of Kazbegi and waiting volunteers, interesting ideas and initiatives for identifying their needs from the local population, identifying challenges and using the region's potential.

The local action group is grateful to all partners for supporting, beneficiaries for activism and volunteers for the effective implementation of the organization.

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