A memorandum of mutual agreement between the four countries was signed (Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Georgia)

2018-04-11 0 comments kazbegi

On April 6, 2018, LAG Kazbegi organized a meeting in ROOMS KAZBEGI hotel, which was attended by delegates from Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova. Members of Akhalkalaki LAG, project representatives from Khulo and Keda were invited as well as Deputy Mayor of Kazbegi Municipality.

 In the first part Kazbegi LAG and foreign colleagues discussed about joint projects, formulated a specific action plan and calendar of events.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to members of Akhalkalaki local action group and the promoters of Khulo and Keda projects. They shared their experience with the audience and introduced them with working principles, priorities, assessment procedures. At the end of the workshop was signed a memorandum of mutual agreement between the four countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Georgia).

Information support was provided by the TV company Rustavi 2, the journalists were able to interview the representatives of local action groups.

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